Set in Gran Tesoro, an independent country chartered by the World Government, home of the world's greatest entertainment city where well-known pirates, Marines, and millionaires throughout the world gather in an "absolute sanctuary" that even the World Government can't touchThe film opened in Japan on July 23, 2016 and it will screen in 33 other countries. The movie has been immediately dominated the box office. If you are an avid fan of one piece, this is the perfect movie for you. Don't miss this exciting movie and start watching it now.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
One Piece Film: Gold Movie - The Biggest One Piece Movie
One piece fan would be very excited for this movie. One Piece Film: Gold has been released in all cinemas around the world. The film has now surpassed the 2009 One Piece: Strong World film's earnings of 4.8 billion yen to become the second-highest earning film in the franchise. Here's the movie plot below: