The Super Parental Guardians or TSPG tells the story of unlikely "parents" Arci, portrayed by Vice Ganda and Paco, portrayed by Coco Martin. A custody to the children, Megan (Awra Briguela) and Ernie (Onyok Pineda) was given to Arci just before the death of his bestfriend Sarah (portrayed by Matet de Leon). The children's uncle, Paco, has no choice but to live and get along with Arci.The Super Parental Guardians is directed by Joyce Bernal. Star Cinema didn't state whether the movie overcome the initial day gross of “Beauty and the Bestie.” their last movie of 2015. Don't miss this movie guys. Subscribe for more movie and TV updates.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
The Super Parental Guardians Movie - Coco Martin and Vice Ganda Box Office Movie Hit
You must be very excitef for this upcoming movie entitled "The Super Parental Guardians" starring Vice Ganda and Coco Martin. The movie was submitted as an entry for the upcoming Metro Manila Film Festival but failed to make it to the list. Here's the movie summary: